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When will eggs ship?

I wanted to answer this question the best I can as it's commonly asked and rightfully so!

First, there are many factors that go into hatching eggs and everyone does it differently. So let me preface with my own values.

  1. We fertility check our breeds. We do this the right way. There is no egg cracking and guessing. I have found that method to be very misleading. Every 7-10 days we add eggs from each breed into the Incubator. Some we can see at day 7-10 and some not until day 18. So that plays a roll in how long it takes. You won't be receiving eggs that haven't been tested and passed very very recently for fertility.

  2. Just because a rooster is there doesn't mean eggs are fertilized. Not all roosters breed all year. Some take breaks much like a hen takes an egg laying break. Some take molting very hard. There are many factors that go into eggs being fertilized. As you can imagine, the more speciality they get, the more they seem to complicate things like this 🙃 We try everything we can do have the healthiest happiest birds but it's ultimately up to Mother Nature. Quality is our passion. We are not a mass producer like a hatchery. So it takes time.

  3. Weather. Our farm is in deep east Texas. Some days it's absolutely beautiful others it's terrible and this can literally change in hours. Often times this messes our hens cycles up! They will be laying so good and we will get a cold snap and it slows them down. Or we will get pouring rain for 2 days and it all turns to a "mudflop" as my kid says 😂 and we won't be shipping muddy eggs. Sanitary eggs are also important us. We want your eggs to be fertilized and not harboring bacteria.

So with that prefaced, shipping of eggs will happen as soon as it is possible but we can never put an exact date. Pre ordering is for those who want to make sure they get on the list and as early as possibly availability. We ask all Customers in the product sections to send us any available times they cannot recieve their eggs. We also contact each one and keep them updated and organized in spreadsheets. You will be contacted prior to your eggs being available with as much notice as possible. That way you can plan to recieve or let us know if it needs to be postponed.

I know this doesn't give the exact answer as to "when" but please know that the service of pre order is for those who want to make sure they are on the list. If you don't have flexibility, you can always follow the farm on facebook and we will post anytime eggs are available & ready to ship. Thank you for considering our eggs!!! We take pride in offering the best our farm has!

Happy Hatching 🐣


PS, peep our newest BCM rooster. Pictured here at 6 months old and ready to service our ladies!!! We cannot wait to see what a stud he grows into!

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